Is it Legal to Sell a Used Vehicle in Michigan Without a Title or Registration, but with Valid Insurance and Inspection?

When it comes to selling a used vehicle in Michigan, there are several legal requirements that must be met. One of the most common questions that arise is whether it is legal to sell a used vehicle without a title or registration, but with valid insurance and inspection. This article will delve into the specifics of Michigan’s laws and regulations regarding the sale of used vehicles, providing a comprehensive answer to this question.

Michigan’s Laws on Selling Used Vehicles

According to Michigan’s Secretary of State, the seller of a used vehicle is required to provide the buyer with a properly assigned title at the time of sale. This means that selling a vehicle without a title is not legal in Michigan. The title is a crucial document that proves ownership of the vehicle and is necessary for the buyer to register the vehicle in their name.

What About Registration?

While the title is a must-have, the vehicle’s registration is not required to be provided by the seller at the time of sale. However, the buyer will need to register the vehicle in their name after the purchase. Therefore, while it is not illegal to sell a vehicle without registration, it may be more convenient for the buyer if the seller provides it.

Role of Insurance and Inspection

Valid insurance and inspection are not legal requirements for selling a used vehicle in Michigan. However, they can add value to the sale. A valid insurance shows that the vehicle has been maintained and is in a condition to be driven. Similarly, an inspection report can provide the buyer with an assurance about the vehicle’s condition. But, these are not mandatory for the sale to be legal.

What Happens if You Sell a Vehicle Without a Title?

If you sell a vehicle without a title in Michigan, you could face legal consequences. The buyer may not be able to register the vehicle in their name, which could lead to legal issues for them. They could potentially take legal action against the seller for not providing a necessary document for the sale. Therefore, it is always recommended to provide a properly assigned title when selling a used vehicle.


In conclusion, it is not legal to sell a used vehicle in Michigan without a title. While registration, valid insurance, and inspection are not mandatory for the sale, they can add value and provide assurance to the buyer. Therefore, it is always best to ensure all documents are in order before selling a used vehicle in Michigan.