Can Rust Be Used to Remove Rust from Metal Surfaces?

When it comes to the maintenance and restoration of metal surfaces, rust is often seen as a formidable enemy. It’s a common belief that rust, once formed, can only cause further damage. However, an intriguing question has been raised: “Can rust be used to remove rust from metal surfaces?” This might seem counterintuitive at first, but the answer is more complex than a simple yes or no. Let’s delve into the science behind rust and its interaction with metal surfaces.

Understanding Rust

Rust is a form of iron oxide, a compound that forms when iron reacts with oxygen in the presence of water or moisture in the air. This process, known as oxidation, is what causes metal surfaces to deteriorate over time. Rust is typically seen as a reddish-brown flaky coating on the metal surface.

Can Rust Remove Rust?

At first glance, the idea of using rust to remove rust might seem paradoxical. After all, rust is the result of the corrosion process, not a solution to it. However, the answer isn’t as straightforward as it might seem. In certain circumstances, rust can indeed be used to remove rust, but it’s not as simple as rubbing a rusty object against a rusted surface.

The Role of Rust Converters

The key to using rust to remove rust lies in a product known as a rust converter. Rust converters are solutions that contain tannic acid and an organic polymer. The tannic acid reacts with the iron oxide (rust) to form iron tannate, a stable and corrosion-resistant compound. The organic polymer provides a protective coating that prevents further rusting.

How to Use Rust Converters

  1. First, remove any loose or flaking rust from the metal surface with a wire brush or sandpaper.

  2. Apply the rust converter with a brush or spray, ensuring that the entire rusted area is covered.

  3. Allow the converter to dry. This usually takes about 20 minutes, but it can vary depending on the product.

  4. Once dry, the rusted area can be painted over, if desired.


So, can rust be used to remove rust from metal surfaces? In a way, yes. While rust itself cannot directly remove rust, it can be transformed into a stable compound that halts the rusting process. This is made possible by rust converters, which react with rust to form a protective coating. So, while it might seem counterintuitive, rust can indeed play a role in rust removal.