The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Tank Lorry Filling Gantry System

Choosing the perfect tank lorry filling gantry system can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not familiar with the technical aspects. This guide aims to simplify the process by providing you with all the necessary information to make an informed decision. Whether you’re a fleet manager, a fuel station owner, or a logistics company, understanding the key factors to consider when selecting a tank lorry filling gantry system is crucial to ensure efficient and safe operations.

What is a Tank Lorry Filling Gantry System?

A tank lorry filling gantry system is a specialized equipment used for loading and unloading liquid products such as fuel, chemicals, and other hazardous substances into tank lorries. It consists of a platform or gantry, loading arms, pumps, meters, and safety devices. The system ensures safe, efficient, and accurate filling of tank lorries, minimizing spillage and overfilling.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Tank Lorry Filling Gantry System

  • Capacity: The system’s capacity should match your operation’s volume. Consider the number of tank lorries you need to fill daily and the volume of liquid each lorry can carry.
  • Compatibility: The system should be compatible with the type of liquid you’re handling. Different liquids require different types of pumps, meters, and loading arms.
  • Safety Features: Safety is paramount when dealing with hazardous substances. Look for systems with safety features like overfill protection, emergency shut-off, and grounding devices.
  • Automation: Automated systems can increase efficiency and accuracy, reducing human error. However, they may also require more maintenance and higher upfront costs.

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Tank Lorry Filling Gantry System

  • What is the system’s maximum flow rate, and can it handle your operation’s volume?
  • Is the system compatible with the type of liquid you’re handling?
  • What safety features does the system have?
  • Does the system offer automation, and if so, what aspects are automated?
  • What is the system’s lifespan, and what kind of maintenance does it require?


Choosing the right tank lorry filling gantry system is crucial for the safety and efficiency of your operations. By considering the system’s capacity, compatibility, safety features, and automation, you can select a system that meets your specific needs. Remember to ask the right questions to ensure you’re getting a system that’s reliable, durable, and suitable for your operations.